Bundle of 25 12"-18" Scotch Pine seedlings.
This is a preorder and the seedlings are expected to arrive at NRICD by the date of the seedling sale on April 26, 2024. If an unforeseen weather or shipping event prevents your order from being fulfilled, you will receive a full refund.
You can pickup your order at The Good Earth Organic Farm: 1800 Scituate Avenue, Hope, RI from 10:00-12:00 on Saturday, April 26, 2025.
Zones: 2-8Latin: Pinus sylvestris
Other common names: Scot's pine
Mature Height/spread: 30 – 50 ft. high/20-35 ft. spread In youth, the Scotch pine has a conical shape, becoming a flat-topped, spreading tree with age, can be very attractive when mature, 30′ to 50′ tall, with an almost equal spread and horizontal branching habit. The lifespan is normally 150–300 years, with the oldest recorded specimens (in Sweden and Norway) just over 700 years.
Soil / Climate: variety of soils and climates, thrives on light, acid, sandy soils and wind resistant, transplants easily, likes full sun.
Notes: Introduced from Europe. Grows in a pyramidal form. Has orange brown peeling bark. Extremely hardy. Disease resistant. Drought tolerant. Plant in full sun. Valued as an ornamental and landscape plant. Widely used in parks, gardens, windbreaks and for erosion control. Scotch Pine is the most common Christmas tree in the United States.
Wildlife: Seed is eaten by wood duck, bobwhite, pheasant, and many varieties of woodpeckers. The seed and needles are eaten by spruce grouse and turkey. Porcupine love the bark.
Additional information on Pinus sylvestris can be found on the link: USDA / NRCS Plants Database.
Appearance: This conifer should grow 60 to 70 feet in height, with a spread of 15 to 20 feet. Short, pointed green to blue-green foliage. Good winter color.
Zone: 4-7
Height: 60-70 Feet
Spread: 15-20 Feet
Seedling and photos sourced from Cold Stream Farm
Christmas tree photo courtesy of gardengoodsdirect.com